Our donors
The Theatre Royal thanks all our generous donors.
If you are interested in learning more about how you can support the Theatre Royal, please get in touch via email: development@theatreroyal.com.au or phone 6146 3316.
RAWspace Giving Circle
Founding Patron: Belinda Kendall-White
David and Michelle Warren
Future Stages Giving Circle
Founding Patron: The Chrysanthemum Foundation
David and Michelle Warren
Ovation $5,000+
Friends of the Theatre Royal
Jane Coatman in memory of Mary Coatman
Bravo $500+
Suzanne and Martin Betts
Julia Farrell
The Halifax Foundation
Tony Stacey AM and Jeanette Stacey
Jacqui Allen and Tony Bonney
Jenny Gale
Sir Guy and Lady Green
Sandy Gumley
Diane Matthews
Chris Spiegel
Applause $50 - $499
Elizabeth Allan
Jim Anderson
Annette Anderson
Sharron Baird
Patricia Berry
Martin Bicevskis
Justin Bowman-Shaw
Geoffrey Bradshaw
Dr Nicholas Brodie
George and Jan Casimaty
Susan Cole
Marjorie Cook
Ann Cunningham
De Deegan
Antonietta Di Saia
Barb Dunford on behalf of Helen Dunford
Peter Fay
Susan Flack Eveleigh
Michelle Folder
Ruth Forrest
William Grosvenor
Simon Hughes
Andree Hurburgh
Greg Hurford
Carol Hurst
Rachel Jones
Tonia Kohl
Koula Kotsias
Michael Kregor
Sue Kremer
Craig Limkin
Su-Lee Ling
Sandra Lo
Delphine Luff
Judith Longhurst
Carryl Mellor
Sarah Morrisby
Therese Mulford
Diana Murdoch
Heather Nash
David O'Byrne
Daniel Panek
Alison Parsons
Lindsay Pender
Robert Peterson
Anthea Pritchard
Jennifer Reid
Alicia Richardson
Clare Roberts
Ian Roberts
Julie Schmidt
Dr Caroline Schwerkolt
Dawn Sharif
Lesley Somerville
Connor Sweeney
Therese Taylor
Bec Thomas
Johanna Van Heijster
Victoria Von Witt
Fay Wellington
Margaret Whiteside
Sue Wilson
Dr Rosemary Young
Margaret Zantuck
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