The Journey continues...
Established in 2007, Eternal Dance Studio presents a show celebrating their 15th year anniversary: The Journey.
Using movement, visuals, and live music, we want to open our hearts and share with you our journey as a studio, from the moment we opened our doors, to the present day and our vision for the future. Featuring members who have been with us from the start and those who have just joined our family, with a guest appearance by Mama Rosa. This performance highlights local artists including Karai, Belle Richardson, Dana Badcock, Prophesy, Danellia Fynn and more. The Journey promises you a night to remember, filled with love, joy, honesty and authenticity.
Adults $55 | Students $35 | Child $35
A-Reserve + B-Reserve
Adults $55 | Students $35 | Child $25
*all bookings will incur a non-refundable $5 Transaction Fee
2 hours 30 minutes (with interval)
This performance contains smoke/haze effects and strobe lighting
Suitable for all ages