Talks and Ideas
University of Tasmania presents

Media Production Showcase

Fri 26 Apr 2024 1:00 pm
The Salon

The University of Tasmania Media School presents a showcase of student films from students across their undergraduate and honours programs. Featuring two completed narrative films and one presentation of a film in production, this event will give the audience an opportunity to learn about the student filmmaking processes and experiences from a broad range of filmmakers.

A panel discussion with the filmmakers will follow the screenings and presentation.

Freebasing Love by Jack Magnotta
Warnings: Strong drug themes, coarse language, and violence.
Gezz, a hopeless cocaine dealer, struggles to leave his criminal life behind him after falling in love with an aspirational dancer.
Jack is a Media and Communication honours student at The University of Tasmania.

January by Saul Gray
Warnings: Themes of depression and self harm.
January is a deeply personal film about the awful agony that is change, and a duality of circumstantial experiences in the wake of a global pandemic.
Saul is a Media and Communication undergraduate student at The University of Tasmania

Home Nonetheless (in production) by Jasmine Snow, Anisha Mannock and Marcus Hotznagel
Forced to live in her car after an unaffordable rent rise, Home Nonetheless follows Alex, a university student, through her struggles to balance work, university and simply living amid the housing crisis.
Jasmine Snow, Anisha Mannock and Marcus Holtznagel are Media and Communication undergraduate student at The University of Tasmania.




Tickets are free but registration is essential as seating is limited.


60 mins (no interval)

Patron Advice
  • Films presented in this showcase contain mature themes. Explicit language, drug themes and themes of depression and self-harm are contained in these presentations and viewer discretion is advised.
  • Arriving at the Hedberg Please arrive between 12:30pm - 12:45pm via the University of Tasmania entrance to the building on 19 Collins Street Hobart.

  • Accessible Facilities The Salon is located on the ground floor with level access from the street. Should you require mobility assistance of any kind, please advise us via email or phone 03 6226 7314. One of our staff will be organised to assist you.

  • Mask requirements Mask wearing is an individual choice, however UTAS strongly recommends that masks be worn in indoor settings, particularly where physical distancing cannot be maintained.


For wheelchair and accessible seating enquiries, please contact our box office on (03) 6146 3300 or boxoffice@theatreroyal.com.au