Once upon a time, on an island called lutruwita, two local young ‘uns, Wurangkili and Timita, meet a mysterious alien named River when he gets lost in their country on his flying canoe.
With pet Wombat “Wombie” in tow, the gang embark on an epic quest to find the meaning of a mysterious object; getting clues from an eccentric Eagle, Lizard and Kangaroo they meet along the way.
A Not So Traditional Story is a hilarious, rare and memorable performance that combines Terrapin’s renowned skill in entertaining and engaging children with the voice of a new generation of Tasmanian Aboriginal performing artists (Nathan Maynard, The Season).
Produced in association with the Tasmanian Department of Education and Kickstart Arts.
Premium $35
A-Reserve $25
Family ticket
x4 $120
*all bookings made via the website will incur a $2 Internet Transaction Fee.
1 hour no interval
Recommended for 5-12 years.