OXIMETRIC - It's Just Not The Right Time
New jazz where each musician in the group plays melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic material, either composed or improvised, within their own unrelated pulse.
The oximetric concept involves the execution of a largely unfamiliar performance practice within jazz ensemble music. The musicians, although playing at the same time, do not adhere to a common pulse, time signature, or groove. Each of the pulses are played with the goal to maintain a sense of the individual. There is no need for them to start or finish together. The pulses are not rhythmic subdivisions of each other or related mathematically. They are separate voices that create a synergy by being sounded together in the same sonic space, and sharing a common intent, or mood.
The oximetric concept incorporates archetypal rhythms that are expanded and compounded by each of the performers in the ensemble at their discretion. The rhythms are to be executed ‘phrasically’ - so that each melodic or rhythmic segment is not strict but flows and breathes as in our natural bodies. In this way, the composed forms that are the structural foundation of each of the compositions become fluid - arbitrary frameworks on which multiple unique performances can be built. The melodic and harmonic relationships that follow these forms echo what is already found in the music of the jazz canon, where interactions may be as consonant or dissonant as the individuals within the ensemble deems appropriate.
Konrad Park – drums
Hamish Houston – double bass
Damien Kingston – guitar
Spike Mason – saxophone and composer
Free event - Registration essential.
60mins (no interval)
Arriving at the Hedberg
Please arrive between 6:30pm - 6:45pm via the University of Tasmania entrance to the building on 19 Collins Street Hobart. Please note there is a strict lockout for the concert and no latecomers will be admitted at the request of the musicians.
Accessible Facilities
The Ian Potter Recital Hall is located on the ground floor with level access from the street. Should you require mobility assistance of any kind, please advise UTAS via email on Cam.admin@utas.edu.au or phone 03 6226 7314. One of the UTAS staff will be scheduled to assist you as you arrive. Wheelchair spaces are available.
Mask requirements
Mask wearing is an individual choice, however UTAS strongly recommends that masks be worn in indoor settings, particularly where physical distancing cannot be maintained.