University of Tasmania presents

Resistance 2

Fri 4 Oct 2024 1:00 pm
Ian Potter Recital Hall at The Hedberg

Arabella Teniswood-Harvey (piano) and Edwin Paling (viola) perform music for solo piano and viola and piano by Stephania Turkevych (1898-1977), Nikolai Roslavets (1880-1944) and Valentin Silvestrov (b.1937).

Edwin Paling was Leader of the Royal Scottish National Orchestra for almost 35 years, and Arabella Teniswood-Harvey is currently Head of Discipline (Music) at UTAS. In the 2000s, Edwin also worked at UTAS, during which time he and Arabella recorded the complete violin and piano music of Lennox Berkeley and Kenneth Leighton to critical acclaim (with glowing reviews in Gramophone magazine). These albums are available on the Australian label, Move Records.

Edwin’s brief visit to Tasmania provides a rare opportunity to hear the duo reunite in a concert continuing Arabella’s exploration of the music of Ukraine.

Image credit: Reproduced with permission from Ukrainian maker, Irina Pokhyl


Tickets are free, however registration is essential.


45 mins (no interval)

Patrons' Advice
  • Arriving at the Hedberg Please arrive between 12:30pm - 12:45pm via the University of Tasmania entrance to the building on 13 Collins Street Hobart.
  • Accessible Facilities The Recital Hall is located on the ground floor with level access from Collins street.

  • Mask requirements Mask wearing is an individual choice, however UTAS strongly recommends that masks be worn in indoor settings, particularly where physical distancing cannot be maintained.

  • Patrons please be advised, unauthorised photography, audio and video recordings strictly prohibited in this venue.

For wheelchair and accessible seating enquiries, please contact our box office on (03) 6146 3300 or boxoffice@theatreroyal.com.au